Friday, June 20, 2008

Eating Locally: Strawberries!

Our friends Tom & Sharon picked a GREAT week to go on vacation--the week their strawberries all ripened! Sure, we offered to pick some while they were gone. After all, what are friends for?

As it turned out, Brent ended up being the one with time to pick while I was away at the TNNA trade show, and again later in the week between the many rain storms. Once the berries were home, I got in on the action too.

We made 2 batches of regular strawberry jam and 1 batch sweetened with honey. The honey recipe was from Stocking Up. We haven't tried any of the honey jam yet, so we don't know how it tastes, but it made our house smell deliciously sweet.

We also froze several quart bags full for winter time smoothies, pies, and crisps. Not counting the rhubarb crisp we made or the many strawberries that we just ate out of the bowl this is what we ended up with after the first session.

Next quest: black raspberries! Does anyone know of a great spot for picking them?

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