Thursday, August 26, 2010

Sorg Journey

My Dad's mother's grandfather Ferdinand Sorg came to the US from Germany to avoid being conscripted into the Prussian military force that was consuming the region in his day. He settled for a while in Minnesota with other German immigrants but eventually moved south to Pocahontas, Arkansas where my grandma grew up. Here is a little bit of the story of their journey South...

"We moved to the Ozarks in the fall of 1894. People were typical hill people of that day and looked with suspicion on the 'durn furriners' that moved in from the north and especially so in our case, since we were German Catholics. There were five boys and one girl (myself) of us, two older sisters and one brother were married and did not come with us. The natives must have decided to make us leave. They would lay the rail fences down to let cattle into our crops or pull lower rails out and put rocks or chunks in to let their hogs in on the crops.

Mother raised turkeys and they would shoot them and they burned a field of clover that was giving hay and feed for our cows and of course abundant milk and butter. Mother churned 16 lbs. a week

One day a neighbor from over the hill came to see mother and told her his wife was in labor and asked her to help. She went at once and helped to bring the baby but it was either dead at birth or died right afterward. My father made a little casket for it and it was lined and covered with cloth.

From then on things began to change. The people became friendly and mother was called on quite often to deliver the newborn. She made no charge for her services and it was free to those she served and pay anything they were able. The people were all so poor, that the question of pay was not important. I have no idea how many mother cared for and she became known as Grandma Baur. ...

It was while they were living in the covered wagon near Carthage that Ferdinand and Anna Mary's first child was born March 28, 1889. he was a premature baby weighing about 3 pounds and they named him Herman Joseph. Ferdinand could spread his fingers and hold him on one hand. They laid him on a pillow and his grandmother Bauer wrapped hot bricks in blankets and placed them around him for warmth. And Indian woman came to the wagon, looked at him and told them not to worry; that he was a healthy baby and would live to be a fine man. How right she was! He lived for 82 years!"

And he was my Great Grandfather! (Pictured below, and standing above by that large unidentified crop.)

-An excerpt from the Sorg Family History Compiled by Erma White Sorg 1984

My dad's mother's parents; Joe Sorg and Anna Junkersfeld. Anna's Wedding Dress is made of curtains.

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